Saturday, August 04, 2007

Important Healthcare information!

Hello all, I hope today finds you well and happy. I am forwarding a link I would like for you to view.

As some of you may know, I have been searching for a viable insurance alternative for our son Jordan for the last 18 months when he was canceled from Georgia's Deeming Waiver Medicaid program. Because he is healthy! But because he has Down Syndrome, no insurance company will touch him. I have paid hundreds of dollars monthly for one medical discount program after another to continually find out not all is what it appears!

At long last, I have found one (Ameriplan), that is exactly what it says it is. This company offers Dental, Vision, Prescriptions & Chiropractor benefits, that save its customers huge amounts of money each year through negotiated terms with thousands of healthcare providers. Ex. Pearle Vision, JC Penney Optical, Walgreens, Eckerds and so many more. The cost is minimal, the savings are tremendous! Ex. $19.95 Monthly for an entire household. There is also a Medical component.
If you are uninsured, under-insured or need something to supplement your existing coverage, This is it.

If this service can help you, I am glad to have given the information. If not, please forward it on to anyone you may know that could benefit from saving money on Healthcare.

Blessings & Light

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Our first night

We spent a week in Panama City Beach. A vacation that enabled both children to nearly be adopted into a mermaid family. Skin dried, eyes red and hearts filled with youthful frolicking fun! My family, my treasure!
Blessings & Light

The Water Park

We were the first to arrive.... the kids had so much fun, it was exciting to watch. They had me laughing.

Jordan loved this waterfall mushroom!!!

In the water at 8am..... oh, my our days started early!!!!!

Takin' A Break!!!

Rodney throwing a child into the water.

Snack Time.

I couldn't get on the beach... so this is as good as it gets.... smile.

Our Day at Gulf World

We saw alligators, lizards, birds, turtles, sharks, seal, sea lions, flamingos, and some amazing young people do extreme dives.
It was a beautiful day admiring animals we wouldn't normally be able to see this up close and personal.

I know, its a bit hoky.. but fun!

A very large Sea Turtle

A Sting Ray that allows petting...

Look hard.... Turtles are on the log enjoying the waterfall

He didn't talk to us..... but, the sign said he could.


The Dolphin Show

The Reptile Show

A young Florida aligator

Pure crazzzzeeeee!!!!!!

Yep, she held a Boa. And liked it!!!!

Come on.. Let me just take him home!

Waiting to see Sandy.........

Sandy the Sea Lion, entertaining visitors.

Views From the Condo

As night fell.

Looking out to the balcony

Showing off her bunkbed

The kids loved their sleeping situation!

Yea baby!!!

Floating through the lazy river.......

Jordan's Here!!!

Joce, her new friend Jamie and mom Carrie enjoyed the cool waters. A special thank you to our new friends. You two really made a little girl feel so welcome. I will always be grateful!

Jordan finding new friends left and right.......

The Lazy River

Missy posing happily.

The pool w/ the Food and Drinks

We spent most of our time here.....
Snacks, drinks, pool and the lazy river... days in the sun ... how sweet they were.

Karaoke Friday....

Jocelyn and Jordan found two nice young ladies to help them fulfill dreams of singing to a live audience. It was a show!!!!


Jocelyn and two new friends sing a tune from High School Musical... Much fun. My battery died just after the performance. Therefore, please do your best to visulize Jordan singing 'Fly Away' by Lenny Kravitz. Oh yes people it was a show, by Rock star standards!!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Jordan dressed for success!!!

Jordan's summer camp sponsored a Teen etitique Luncheon at the DoubleTree Midtown. He was thrilled to dress nice and wear a tie. He had his clothes laid out 3 days prior!!!!
I love this man.

The Inventor

She had a great week of gluing, pasting and science projects!!!!
Watch out, next year her robot might actually work.

Jocelyn and Friend Ryana

Pleased with their invention and new friendship.......

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Yahoo's - just chillin'

They stopped playing for a moment to appease a camera ready Mom.
Thanks Kidds, you two are the best.

Rico Week 11 - His ears get "aired out"

Side view of Rico's new ears. The points are still folded over on top his head. He will have them taped again to further the process of having perfect ears.

Our boy is growing! Happy to have the cap off his head. His ears got time to "air" out.